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Freeclean ozone water purifier

Freeclean ozone water purifier

Initiate a new revolution in daily cleaning

Integrated design, convenient installation, and long service life

Synchronous operation with your washing machine

Adopting a newly designed micro venturi tube,

by using water gas self-mixing technology,

and utilizing the pressure of the water flow,

let active oxygen molecules mixed into the water to generate active oxygen water.

Kill 99.6% germs on the clothing

Reduce detergent usage significantly

Extend the lifespan of clothing

Connect to the faucet, to clean fruits and vegetables

In pet cleaning, affectively sterilization and odor removal

Freeclean, expert in your home disinfection

Ningbo Chunchen Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is a newly established enterprise dedicated to environmental protection technology. It focuses on the research, development and sales of ozone water purification equipment and air purification equipment, aiming to widely apply ozone technology to the civil industry.

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 8-8 No 3 Wanke Yunhui Centre Building, Cichen Jiangbei, Ningbo Zhejiang

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